Rondje Mario by App in English - How does it work?
Rondje Mario by App in English - How does it work?
24 januari 2024 

Rondje Mario by App in English - How does it work?

Yes! Have you just enriched yourself with Rondje Mario Digital? Then, a day full of love awaits you. To ensure you have an amazing day with your partner in the city, I'll walk you through how our app works in this blog, step by step.

1. Download the Huddle App

Once you've purchased Rondje Mario, you'll automatically get access to it in the Huddle app. Huddle is our app service provider, which is why you can find Rondje Mario within the Huddle app.

rondje mario digitaal

2. Account is already created

In the Huddle app, an account is automatically created using the email address you used to purchase Rondje Mario. All you need to do now is log in (with your email address) and create a password.

Tip: Press the login button once you've downloaded Huddle, not the register button.

3. Find your Rondje Mario

Here's a screenshot from my mobile that shows exactly how you can find Rondje Mario.

leuke stadstour

4. Play-time 

Once Rondje Mario has been added to your Huddle account, the party can start. Click on the graduation cap icon at the bottom of the app and embark on the city adventure filled with fun facts, delightful questions for each other, challenges, and lots of love and fun (see the image below).

5. Where can I find the funfacts and other playcards for Rondje Mario?

Download the PDFs in the attachments! All the cards we've written can be found in the appendix. See the image below.

6. At which location/adress should I read a card?

The corresponding addresses for the facts are indicated next to each card (see the image below). You can type these addresses into Google Maps yourself.

For the most beautiful route, I recommend downloading the map. You can find it in module 2: "Rondje Mario: city tour full of love."

leuke wandelingen door de stad


Complicated? No way! Create an account in the Huddle app, and you'll easily figure it out. If not, you can always shoot Tom a message (0624417090). Have a great time, in any case! 

Over de schrijver
Wat begon als een leuk idee is uitgegroeid tot een absolute droom. Samen met mijn zusje Door hebben wij één doel. Elk koppel in Nederland verblijden met een tasje vol liefde. Inmiddels hebben we al meer dan 25.000+ mensen blij gemaakt met een Rondje Mario. Wanneer ga jij?
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